55 yr old male with viral pyrexia and thrombocytopenia
THIS IS AN ONLINE E LOG BOOK TO DISCUSS OUR PATIENT'S DE - IDENTIFIED HEALTH DATA SHARED AFTER TAKING HIS / HER /GUARDIAN'S SIGNED INFORMED CONSENT .HERE WE DISCUSS OUR INDIVIDUAL PATIENT'S PROBLEMS THROUGH SERIES OF INPUTS FROM AVAILABLE GLOBAL ONLINE COMMUNITY OF EXPERTS WITH AN AIM TO SOLVE THOSE CLINICAL PROBLEMS WITH COLLECTIVE CURRENT BEST EVIDENCE BASED INPUT . A 55 year old male farmer by occupation, resident of Nalgonda came with the chief complains of Fever since 5 days which is of low grade, intermittent and relieved on local medication. Not associated with chills and rigors. relieved on medication. Headache in the frontal region No h/o vomitings, blurring of vision giddiness,cold,cough,SOB, melena,bleeding gums,hematuria, rash. No other complains Went to local RMP for evaluation of fever and Ns1 was positive. brought to our hospital in view of ns1 positive PAST HISTORY: No h/o HTN, DM,TB Asthma, Epilepsy,CVD. PERSONAL HISTORY: DIET - MIXED, APPETITE -RE